This article is syndicated from ZenSeekers and is written by Quentin Randall. All photos for this article are credited to Quentin Randall. Original article and race information can be found at
“This is one of the tougher routes I run,” says Chris Humphries as we finish warming up. “The hills are killer, and they sneak up on you,” he says of the route that makes up Medicine Hat’s popular Conquer the Ridge half marathon.
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The race is one of the last big runs of the year for Medicine Hat’s running scene, and is circled in pen on nearly every local runner’s calendar, drawing 200 last year and on track to reach its 300-runner maximum in 2017.
After muttering to each other how we hate these hills, we reach the ridge overlooking the chiseled South Saskatchewan River Valley. The setting sun brings the richness of the badlands landscape to life with reds and golds. It’s not bad at all.
The initial 3% grade is followed up with over four kilometres of gentle decline as you approach Echo Dale, in the South Saskatchewan River Valley.
Despite Humphries’ warning about the hills, Conquer the Ridge is a rewarding challenge for anyone with as little as 10-kilometre runs under their belt or on their bucket list. Runners can tackle the entire 21-kilometre half-marathon themselves or pair up and run each 10.55-kilometre leg.
Gas City Campground is the starting point for the race, and offers full service camping under mature cottonwood trees. All of the city’s hotels are only minutes away by vehicle and there are two local breweries if you want to reward yourself and connect with other runners once you cross the finish line.
To register for the race, and research accommodations, attractions and breweries, Tourism Medicine Hat’s website is an excellent resource. Festival Seekers also has a fantastic article highlighting the run’s unique landscape and interesting tidbits of the river valley’s early history.
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- Oct. 14, 2017
- Option to run in pairs (each runner does 10.55 km)
- Price: $48 for full ½ marathon ($65 after Aug. 30)
- Or as a pair $35/each ($50/each after Aug. 30)
- Register at Red Rock Union – Conquer the Ridge
- Stay at Tourism Medicine Hat – Accommodations